February 2025 Series – Wholehearted Living: Love
2/02/2025 Love is Who You Are
Here is a PDF of the Process Questions for Love is Who You Are!
2/09/2025 Live Love
Here is a PDF of the Process Questions for Live Love!
2/16/2025 Seeing With the Heart
Here is a PDF of the Process Questions for Seeing With the Heart!
2/23/25 Loving Yourself
Here is a PDF of the Process Questions for Loving Yourself!
If you wish to watch only a portion of the service, scroll to the portion you want to see.
Love Is Who You Are Join us for a journey of the soul with a message on “Love Is Who You Are,” learning to listen to your Inner Advisor rather than your inner critic.
Love Is Who You Are – Today’s message is “Love Is Who You Are.” Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana, continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living with a message on “Love Is Who You Are.” She speaks of speaks of embracing Love is Who You Are, remembering love transcends time, and committing to unlearning fear and embracing love. And she asks us to create spiritual practices that remind us that we are indeed Love. As Marianne Williamson writes:
“Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we have learned here. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts?”
Enjoy the music of Gary Lynn Floyd and of our own CSL Southeast Louisiana music team
.If you want to watch only a portion of the service, use these related links:
Love Is Who You Are – “No Frills” Service – The service starts at the opening welcome, no announcements, with a message on: Love Is Who You Are, which focuses on remembering each of us is a precious child of the Divine, an expression of infinite love, wisdom, and beauty, on a sacred journey that leads us to contributing to the Universe in a powerful way.
Love Is Who You Are – Meditation Join Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl and Gary Lynn Floyd as they move you into a time of listening to your own heart so as to discover how to embrace love is who you are. Gary Sings “Behold” as you take time to rest in the quiet of your heart and remember the kingdom of God is in you.
Love Is Who You Are – Reading Listen as Cindy Levy reads the February 1st excerpt from Wholehearted Living – An Enchanted Journey for Your Soul – 365 Days of Inspiration by Christian Sørensen and Katherine Economou entitled Love is Who You Are . The reading tells us:
“We all long for greater connection and intimacy, but what we long for already lives within us. The true experience of love comes from the Divine Spirit of God and is then individualized in each and every one of us.”
Love Is Who You Are – Message Only – Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living with a message on “Love Is Who You Are.” She speaks of remembering Love is not something we earn, not something to seek outside of ourselves, but our very essence. Love is the foundation, the expression, and the culmination of our being.
As the Course in Miracle tells us:
“Teach only love, for that is what you are.”
Imagine how much impact this community can have if we each chose to step fully into knowing we are love, and living from that knowing.
Live Love Join us this week for a journey of the soul with a message on “Live Love,” learning living love means awareness, taking action, and connection. To let love lead the way means speaking with love, seeing with the eyes of love, and walking in love.
Live Love – Today’s message is “Live Love.” Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana, continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living with a message on “Live Love.” She speaks of remembering love enhances gratitude, compassion, and openness, of letting Love lead us, and of knowing love has a ripple effect on those I encounter. She explores three necessary things for living love: awareness, action, and connection. And she asks us to release any barriers we have to living love by using daily spiritual practices to help us walk in love.
As Rev. Katherine Economou said so poetically:
“Living love is a sacred dance. It’s a daily commitment to step in rhythm with the divine, to let love lead, even when fear or doubt calls for attention.”
Enjoy the music of Gary Lynn Floyd, Karen Drucker, and our own CSL Southeast Louisiana music team.
If you want to watch only a portion of the service, use these related links:
”Live Love– “No Frills” Service – The service starts at the opening welcome, no announcements, with a message: Live Love, which focuses on remembering love enhances gratitude, compassion, and openness, on letting Love lead us, and on knowing love has a ripple effect on those I encounter.
Live Love–Meditation Join Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl and Gary Lynn Floyd as they move you into a time of listening to your own heart so as to discover how to truly live love. Gary sings “Haven of Peace” as you take time to rest in the quiet of your heart and remember how peace follows you when you walk in love, speak and love, and live love..
Live Love– Reading Listen as Debbie Barnett reads the February 7th excerpt from Wholehearted Living – An Enchanted Journey for Your Soul – 365 Days of Inspiration by Christian Sørensen and Katherine Economou entitled Spreading Love . The reading tells us:
“Where we get off track is when we forget to balance our self-work with being of service to the world. When we give of ourselves in service, we find a new level of the reality of life for others, and we see ourselves more clearly. … It can be as simple as giving a silent blessing to everyone you meet.”
Live Love– Message Only – Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living with a message on “Live Love.” To live Love requires awareness, action, and connection. It means removing any barriers we have within ourselves which we have built to living love. It means nurturing our relationships and realizing how much love impacts our lives in a positive way.
The Course in Miracle tells us:
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
Imagine how much impact this community can have if we each chose to eliminate all the barriers we have put up to living love and fully stepped into being the eyes, the hands, the voice, and the giver of love.
Seeing with the Heart Join us this week for a journey of the soul with a message on “Seeing with the Heart,” learning to practice pausing and shifting to heart-centered wisdom, to bless others rather than forming judgments, and to always look through eyes of love with an open heart..
Seeing with the Heart – Today’s message is “Seeing with the Heart.” Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana, continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living and our February month of Love. She speaks of a message on “Seeing with the Heart.” She speaks of seeing through the eyes of the Heart, trusting in the unseen, and knowing in every moment is divine love is at work. She explores shifting from human perception to divine perception, looking beyond appearances, and blessing others consistently. She asks us to create spiritual practices that remind us to see with our heart.
As Ernest Holmes wrote:
“ We must learn to see life as God sees it, free from limitation, full of possibility and beauty.”
Enjoy the music of Gary Lynn Floyd, the Chariot Duo, and our own CSL Southeast Louisiana music team.
If you want to watch only a portion of the service, use these related links:
”Seeing with the Heart– “No Frills” Service – The service starts at the opening welcome, no announcements, with a message on: Seeing with the Heart, which focuses on shifting from human perception to divine perception, looking beyond appearances, and blessing others consistently.
Seeing with the Heart–Meditation and the CSL singers, as they move you into a time of listening to your own heart so as to discover how to embrace seeing with the Heart. The CSL singers sing “ One Heart” as you take time to rest in the quiet of your heart and remember you are love and we are all of one life with heaven in our heart.
Seeing with the Heart– Reading Listen as Nancy Wertz reads the February 19th excerpt from Wholehearted Living – An Enchanted Journey for Your Soul – 365 Days of Inspiration by Christian Sørensen and Katherine Economou entitled The Eyes of the Heart . The reading tells us:
“In order to embrace love as a way of life, we need to start to see differently. We need to look with a deeper eye to perceive ourselves, life, and each other from a place of love rather than through the eyes we have been trained to see through.”
Seeing with the Heart– Message Only – Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living and our February month of Love with a message on “Seeing with the Heart.” To see with the Heart requires us to practice pausing and shifting to heart-centered wisdom, to bless others rather than forming judgments, and to always look through eyes of love with an open heart.
As Rev. Katherine Economou said:
“When we look through the eyes of love, we awaken to a reality where grace, forgiveness, and kindness become our guiding light.”
Imagine how much impact this community can have if we each chose to step fully into seeing with our hearts and living from the holiness of our heart’s affections.
Loving Yourself Join us this week for a journey of the soul with a message on “Loving Yourself,” learning to love all of who you are and know you were born worthy.
Loving Yourself – Today’s message is “Loving Yourself.” Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana, continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living with a message on “Loving Yourself.” She speaks of knowing self-love is sacred, aligning with your divine essence, and releasing any barriers to loving yourself. She explains we are born worthy and do not need to prove our worthiness. And she asks us to create spiritual practices that remind us how to love ourself.
As Rev. Katherine Economou once said,
“When we fully embrace ourselves as worthy and loved, we stop looking for love outside of ourselves and begin radiating love effortlessly.”
Enjoy the music of Gary Lynn Floyd, Karen Mitchell, our own CSL Southeast Louisiana music team.
If you want to watch only a portion of the service, use these related links:
Loving Yourself– “No Frills” Service – The service starts at the opening welcome, no announcements, with a message on: Loving Yourself, which focuses on remembering self-love is not selfish, it is sacred.
Loving Yourself–Meditation Join Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl and Gary Lynn Floyd as they move you into a time of knowing nothing on earth can disturb your peace because God is with you wherever you go. Gary sings “Nothing Can Hold Me” as you take time to rest in the quiet of your heart and remember to see yourself being loving to who you are.
Loving Yourself– Reading Listen as Bob Wertz reads the February 24th excerpt from Wholehearted Living – An Enchanted Journey for Your Soul – 365 Days of Inspiration by Christian Sørensen and Katherine Economou entitled Love Yourself as you would love God . The reading tells us:
“When you show love for yourself, you are truly loving God because you are God’s creation and as such you deserve all love, compassion, and peace. When you show love for yourself, you elevate your spiritual consciousness and connect with God in a whole new way.”
Loving Yourself– Message Only – Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living with a message on “Loving Yourself.” When you love you are truly loving God because you are God’s creation. You also recognize you are BORN worthy. You are enough as you are – not because of what you do, not because of what others say, but because you are a divine expression of Love itself.
Catherine of Siena said:
“ What is it you want to change? Your hair, your face, your body? Why? For God is in love with all those things and he might weep when they are gone.”
Imagine how much impact this community can have if we each chose to step fully into loving ourselves unconditionally and bring more love into the world.